Babcock Preschool
Babcock Full-Day Preschool
Babcock Full-Day Preschool

2400 Cormorant Way
Sacramento CA, 95815
Phone: 916-566-3415 ext. 62439
Sacramento CA, 95815
Phone: 916-566-3415 ext. 62439
Our Philosophy
Our Philosophy
We believe your child comes to us with unique experiences, interests, and learning styles. Our goal is to know your child well and use this knowledge to guide, support, and motivate him or her. We believe that good teaching requires continual professional development, personal reflection, and collaboration. We encourage you to partner with us to give your child the most powerful and joyous learning experience possible.
Program Description
Program Description
Program is a full-day program for families who are working or attending school. The children enrolled in our program are ages 3-5 years old.
Preschool Staff
Preschool Staff
Ms. Contreras
My name is Ms. Priscilla L. Contreras; I have been involved in preschool for 17 years as a parent volunteer, assistant, and teacher. The past five years I have served as the Site Supervisor and teacher.
Mrs. Haugen
My name is Ms. Priscilla L. Contreras; I have been involved in preschool for 17 years as a parent volunteer, assistant, and teacher. The past five years I have served as the Site Supervisor and teacher.
Mrs. Haugen
My name is Mrs. Jodi Haugen. I am the Early Childhood Education Assistant. My educational career includes; parent volunteer, Program Leader/Site Director for the “Sacramento START” program and Resource Aide at Babcock Elementary for the Special Education Department.